If you purchased Worry-Free Purchase with your order, you can report an issue within 7 days of delivery through the Seel Resolution Center. Initiate the request using your email and order number found on the confirmation email.
If you purchased Worry-Free Purchase with your order, you can report an issue within 7 days of delivery through the Seel Resolution Center. Initiate the request using your email and order number found on the confirmation email.
If you purchased Worry-Free Purchase with your order, you can report a loss 30 days after placing your order of delivery through the Seel Resolution Center. Initiate the request using your email and order number found on the confirmation email.
If you purchased Worry-Free Purchase with your order, you have 7 days from the date of delivery to report theft or damage and can report a loss for domestic orders between 30 and 60 days after your order has shipped.